4 min readJan 17, 2022

How Depression is Causing Your Memory LOSS? 6 Tips to Cope with

We often encounter people with continuous saddened moods and a lack of interest in their own lives. Its Depression. Depression affects a person’s thoughts and creativity. Life gets stuck due to the emotional and psychological traumas people have gone through.
Researchers believe and hypothesize that depression is the cause of memory loss. To understand the interrelationship and how depression is causing memory loss, we must examine thoroughly;
• What is depression
• Symptoms of depression
• Physiology of brain
• Types of memories affected by depression
• Ways to treat depression and memory loss
• How to cope with
• Conclusion
let us go through all of them
What is Depression
first and foremost, depression is a mood disorder that comes under mental illness. The word depression arrived from the Latin word de Primera means press down. Depression is different from usual human mood swings and fluctuation. It is characterized by a continuous lack of interest in life for
two weeks or more.
Symptoms of depression
• The person suffering from depression always complains of heaviness and guilt feelings.
• Decreased ability to make choices, anguish, and absence of unwavering discernment indicate
• It also includes Psychosis and Panic attack with Fatigue and loss of energy.
• Loss of interest or Anhedonia is also a sign of depression and memory loss.
• It also disturbs gastrointestinal functions and affects immunity. It deranges the body’s hormonal balance.
Physiology of brain
A research paper on depression published in the British Journal of Psychiatry shows that depression and memory loss are interlinked. Researchers describe depression as a mental illness and a condition of forgetfulness. A part of the brain called grey matter gets declined. This grey matter controls emotions
and short-term memory.

People with depression fight with memory loss, yet, they are hand in glove in danger of long-term memory problems. Extensive research and a study within the British Journal of Psychiatry suggested that
untreated depression escalates the threat of dementia. Emotional disorder doubles the risk of developing psychological feature impairment. Researchers observed that depression is the key factor that causes changes in the physiology of the brain.
For example, when a person experiences a mental trauma, the body releases a hormone called cortisol in response to it. The increased quantity of cortisol in the brain holds back the growth of new cells in the brain section called the hippocampus. As a result, it gets shrinks. The hippocampus plays a significant role in nerve formation. It helps the brain develop, manage, and save memories. Hence the stress response produced by depression might reduce memory.
Patients often find it challenging to memorize and recall short-term memory. They have trouble doing executive functions.
Types of memories affected by depression
Following are the major types that affect depression.
Short-term memory
Depression might cause short-term memory loss. People going through it may have a problem completing their daily tasks. In a survey conducted in 2013, many young students participated in segregate cards activity, but they failed to do so. It depicts their diminished short-term memory. This type of
memory controls life happenings one to all. It is also termed working memory.
Declarative memory loss.
The attack of depression may also affect declarative memory loss. This type of memory involves storing life events and facts.
Scientists hypothesize that chronic depression could stop the growth of nerve cells. It could destroy the creation of nerve cells. Consequently, the brain fails to access and store new memories.
Autobiographical memory loss
This type of memory caters to personal life history and events. Depression may hamper the storage of such life happenings, which is also unbearable. A research paper on the effects of Depression on life events and personal history. Later, published in psychological medicine trusted source journal in 2018 describes that such people fight to sustain memories of significant life events.
Ways to treat depression and memory loss
As technology peaked, the discovery of many complex diseases happened.
To cope with depression, experts suggest exercise. It releases serotonin and dopamine hormones which enhance the working of the brain. Both hormones also take part in the growth of nerve cells. It also enhances the brain’s capability to change and adapt. These are all important for working memory.

Talking therapy is another way to treat depression and memory loss. It reactivates brain parts involved in controlling memory. Talking therapies that aid in raised activation in the anterior cortex also helps. It supports improved responsiveness and flexibility.

psychological feature coaching programs — resembling cognitive exercises or games, sometimes done on a laptop can even improve memory

Some antidepressants help and improve memory loss by depression. The commonly used antidepressant selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) and serotonergic-noradrenergic reuptake inhibitors (SNRI) are actively involved in planning, decision making, learning, and memorizing.

Aromatherapy and counseling of patients can help bring them to everyday life.
How to cope with depression and memory loss.

  • Try to organize and manage. Some changes in the routine can aid you along with your daily activities.

• Always prepare and follow lists for daily tasks.
• Keep a list of medicines with their time and dosage specifications. Some individuals notice pill sorters are helpful.
• use the calendar and address book
• Keep your home organized and simple to manage.
• Be active and interact with hobbies you like.
1. Depression is a disease of forgetfulness, low mood, and aggressive behavior.
2. It affects the persona’s short-term, autobiographical, and declarative memory.
3. Treat it in ways like talking therapy. Antidepressant and electroconvulsive therapy are also helpful.
4. Patients going through memory loss can ease their life.


hi, I’m Sarah, words are love, words are soul, words are friends and companions so I’m a content writer.